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The Science of Concussion in the Schools

Dr. Stone will be a part of an Inaugural School Concussion Conference titled: The Science of Concussion in the Schools, held by Bucks County IU and Centennial School District.

This conference is on January 24th from 9am-3:15pm at William Tennant High School.

Act 48 Hours or Workshop Hours are available.

To register and for more information, please click on the link below:

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Our May Talks at the Bucks County IU

Our talks at the Bucks County IU are continuing through May! Below are the topics for May. All talks are from 7pm – 8:30pm. If you would like to register, please call our office at 215-491-1119. If you need ACT 48 Credits, also register through the Bucks County IU by calling 215-348-2940 x1341. These talks are free of charge however there is a fee for ACT 48 Credits.


May 12th Understanding and Managing Concussion in Children and Adolescents – J. Stone, PsyD

Everyone knows that the concussions are a hot topic these days, but do we really understand what happens in the brain. Is complete rest necessary? When should they return to school? To play? To friends? This workshop explains what happens exactly in the brain during a concussion and what intervention are the most helpful. We will also discuss the differences between a concussion and post-concussion syndrome – a far more troubling condition to treat. A must for any parent who has a child with a brain!


May 19th How to Improve Your Attention and Memory – J. Stone, PsyD

Feel like you’re forgetting more often? Can’t remember why you walked into a room? Or half of the grocery list? Is your child struggling with managing homework and other responsibilities? This workshop will explain how attention and working memory work to allow us to be effective and efficient in managing our tasks and our lives – and how to improve your capacity to remember more and be more successful.


May 26th What Is Emotion Regulation And Why Is It Important? – Jean Ruttenberg, MA

People regulate their emotions all the time. However, on most occasions we are not conscious that we are doing so. This workshop will explore how emotions affect our behavior and interactions with others.

The objectives of this workshop will be to:

  • describe and define emotion regulation
  • describe its function
  • describe its effect on behavior
  • describe its effect on relationships


For more details on any of these events, please feel free to contact us.

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