We’re doing a number of talks at the Bucks County IU over the next several weeks! Below are the topics for April. All talks are from 7pm-8:30pm. If you would like to register, please call our office at 215-491-1119. If you need ACT 48 Credits, also register through the Bucks County IU by calling 215-348-2940 x1341
April 7th – The Anxious Child: How to Identify and Help – Lorna Jansen, PsyD
This workshop will include an overview of different anxiety disorders and how they can present in the classroom and at home. A brief guide to distinguishing between anxiety and other difficulties (ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder) will also be presented. Emphasis will be placed on offering tools and strategies for professionals and parents who work and live with children who are anxious. Coping strategies for children will be highlighted.
April 21st – My Kid Has ADHD…Now What? – J. Stone, PsyD
My children are diagnosed with ADHD every year. While many parents struggle to find a diagnosis, it can be even more frustrating to find help (other than medicine) after the diagnosis. This workshop will discuss the important ingredients to successful interventions for children with ADHD. It will not spend time talking about how the diagnosis is made or how medication affects behaviors – interventions only!
April 28th – Advanced Parenting Skills for 21st Century Kids – Christina Carson-Sacco, PsyD
Parenting children in today’s world can prove to be especially challenging. This workshop focuses on understanding child development, what skills and concepts are important at each stage and how to prepare your child for a life of sound decision-making skills and sound judgement.
For more details on any of these events, please feel free to contact us.