by Dr. Brittnie Blanchard
Feeling overwhelmed by the weight of daily pressures? You’re not alone. As stress levels soar in our fast-paced lives, understanding its origins and impacts is more crucial than ever.
The stress response is a natural reaction to a perceived threat, or demand, that is rooted in the body’s central nervous system (CNS). The short-term activation of the CNS is beneficial, equipping us to respond to what comes across our paths. In the optimal amounts, stress may be positively associated with learning and high performance in areas like sports and work. However, repeated and prolonged stress can lead to less positive outcomes including the development and/or exacerbation of many mental and physical conditions, including depression and anxiety, among others.
So how does one begin to differentiate between good stress (“eustress”) and bad stress (“distress”), and how does one manage it? If the following symptoms are relatable, you might be experiencing prolonged stress response.
- Frequent/chronic physical symptoms (e.g., headaches, chest pain, stomach upset, sleeping problems, recurrent illness)
- Increased difficulty with emotion regulation
- Withdrawal from social supports and activities
- Things feel out of control/inability to relax OR numbness/autopilot mode
- Exhaustion
However, addressing your stress may be easier than you think and workable into your ongoing routines…
- Get enough sleep daily (children: 9-13 hours; teens: 8-10 hours; adults: 7-9 hours)
- Balanced diet
- Regular, consistent exercise
- Breathing techniques (Box Breathing, Belly Breathing)
- Social support
- Boosting positive affect (e.g., happiness, joy, contentment, enthusiasm) by scheduling in time for pleasurable activities on a regular basis. (Note: these may vary from person to person, so find what works best for you).
If you continue to feel overwhelmed and run down by stress, consult with a mental health provider. The psychologists and therapists at The Center are well-equipped to support clients through whatever life brings.